This Week in Dart - Issue 0
Hello fellow Dartisans! Welcome to the inaugural issue of This Week in Dart! This Week in Dart's aim is to be a useful collection of changes and news from across the Dart ecosystem and its surrounding community.
To contribute to this and future issues, feel free to contribute on GitHub or suggest content for next week on GitHub discussions.
To discuss this week's issue, feel free to join us on the Unofficial Dart Community Discord in the #this-week-in-dart
Google I/O will be this week, May 11-12, available to stream online. This year will see keynotes, product announcements, and learning lab content released on day one, with technical sessions available on-demand on day two.
Dart will have a large presence in the form of keynotes, talks, and workshops around Flutter. To learn more and register, check out Google I/O 2022.
Community updates
- Bulk application of fixes
- Does Flutter boost developer productivity?
- Learning Dart as a JavaScript developer
Learning materials
Project updates
Dart SDK updates
38 unique authors have contributed 112 commits to the Dart SDK in the past week.
The following are some handpicked, interesting changes.
- [vm] Remove the branch from pointer decompression in the runtime
- Add 2.17 language features to CHANGELOG
- [analysis_server] Improve performance of LSP completions
- Release DevTools 2.13.0
- [vm] Only call .hashCode once when adding to Map and Set
- [vm/aot] Trim user-defined entries from classes constants table
- [vm] Function::packed_fields is not used in AOT.
- bump to linter 1.23.0
Keep in mind, none of these changes are guaranteed to eventually land in a stable release.
Package of the week
The package of the week is Zap!
Zap is a reactive web framework built on Dart. By compiling HTML-like files to Dart components, Zap makes it easy to write efficient web apps.
Dart's package ecosystem is growing fast, and we want to help foster that growth. If you know of any great open source projects, let us know by suggesting a package on GitHub discussions.
Upcoming events
Find an event near you or online and connect with other Dart developers!
Always be sure to check the Flutter Meetup Network and the Dart Language tag on Meetup for more events as well.
Let us know about other future events on the events discussion board.
- Google I/O | 2022-05-11 - 2022-05-12
Find more information and register at Google I/O 2022.
Join local, extended events at I/O Extended.
Quotes and notes
One of my favorite things about @DartCode is how it ships productivity features that I didn't know I needed, but become huge timesavers as soon as they arrive. Go To Type Definition is a great example.
Love to see how the language evolves!
Share quotes and comments you see and hear about Dart on our quotes discussion board for future inclusion!
Dart jobs
The following are some jobs that will provide you the opportunity to use or even build Dart.
If you know of any jobs which use or are related to Dart, let us know in the Job postings for Dart discussion board.
- The Dart and Flutter teams have job openings across a wide variety of roles. See Flutter and Dart team job openings for more information.