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This Week in Dart - Issue 12

Hello fellow Dartisans! Welcome to the twelfth issue of This Week in Dart! This Week in Dart's aim is to be a useful collection of changes and news from across the Dart ecosystem and its surrounding community.

To contribute to this and future issues, feel free to contribute on GitHub or suggest content for next week on GitHub discussions.

To discuss this week's issue, feel free to join us on the Unofficial Dart Community Discord in the #this-week-in-dart channel.


Two breaking change requests have been made this week and are open for review and feedback:

Head to those linked issues to learn more about the breaking changes, the reasoning behind them, their impact, and potential mitigations. Feel free to leave comments or concerns.

Generally the Dart team strives to not make breaking changes, and to preserve compatibility of all Dart programs across stable Dart SDK releases, but sometimes breaking changes are needed or justified. To learn more about this process, see Dart SDK breaking change process.

Community updates


Learning materials

Project releases

Project updates

Dart SDK updates

19 unique authors have contributed 58 commits to the Dart SDK in the past week.

The following are some handpicked, interesting changes:

Keep in mind, none of these changes are guaranteed to eventually land in a stable release.

Language updates and discussion

Records and patterns have been seeing extensive implementation work across all parts of the SDK over the past month, and final touches around their language specifications alongside fixes and improvements have been made as well.

To learn more about records, see the Records feature specification and to contribute to the surrounding discussion check out issues with the Records tag.

To learn more about patterns, see the Patterns feature specification and to contribute to the surrounding discussion check out issues with the Patterns tag.

To learn more about and contribute to discussion of these and other potential changes to the Dart language, visit the Dart language repository.

Package of the week

The package of the week is ngdart and the other surrounding packages supported by the Angular Dart Community.

package:ngdart and its surrounding packages and website is a community maintained fork of the original AngularDart ecosystem.

Originally developed by Google as one of the primary uses of Dart, AngularDart has powered sophisticated, mission-critical apps that serve millions of users.

AngularDart is built on the Dart Web platform. By leveraging Dart's concise type system, sound null safety, and other useful development tools, AngularDart helps you build beautiful websites productively with an elegant and maintainable codebase, without all the complicated hassle of a JavaScript library.

It's super exciting to see the community continue the ecosystem that was core to Dart development for so long, bringing it and its surrounding packages and documentation into the modern era of Dart. Many projects were built with AngularDart and this works gives them the opportunity to stay within the ecosystem they learned to love over many years.

While it's easy to forget these days, Dart's journey began in the web space, and it's still a strong contender. This community-maintained fork of AngularDart showcases that well!

To learn more about the community maintained AngularDart, visit its GitHub organization, its list of packages, and its website.

Dart's package ecosystem is growing fast, and we want to help foster that growth. If you know of any great open source projects, let us know by suggesting a package on GitHub discussions.

Upcoming events

Check the Flutter Meetup Network and the Dart Language tag on Meetup to find an event near you or online and connect with other Dart developers!

Let us know about other future events on the events discussion board.

United States and Remote

Quotes and notes

Share quotes and comments you see and hear about Dart on our quotes discussion board for future inclusion!

11 years ago, #Dart was unveiled at the GOTO Conference and since then has released numerous versions until today: 2.18🚀
Its improvements are remarkable, and together with #Flutter they make, in my opinion, the best duo in terms of speed, safety, and performance.
Happy B-day🥳

—@papa_gianfranco (Gianfranco Papa) on Twitter

Lesson learned: Don't manipulate files in your ~/.pub-cache

—@passsy (Pascal Welsch) on Twitter

#dartlang is very nice

—@CFDevelop (Christian Findlay) on Twitter

Dart jobs

The following are some jobs that will provide you the opportunity to use or even build Dart.

If you know of any jobs which use or are related to Dart, let us know in the Job postings for Dart discussion board.






Very Good Ventures




Swiss Aviation Software